The Spotlight Effect, The Book of awesome and more


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Welcome to The Sunday Summary, a weekly newsletter where I share a quick book summary with actionable lessons, Book recommendations, Reading tips, New Concepts, and one life-changing Quote to help you build a healthy, wealthy life.

👋🏻 Hey Everyone,

Here are a few popular posts you may have missed

📕 Book Summary

This week's book is  "Our Book Of Awesome" by Neil Pasricha


Often in our lives, we ignore small moments, that bring us joy. We tend to overlook the awesome things that happen around us. These small moments bring joy and happiness to our lives, only if we take the time to see them.

Our Book of Awesome is a collection of such small moments of joy that we encounter almost every day but don't celebrate them.

A nice, easy read that will lift your spirit and inject some positivity and good vibes, and will let to enjoy those small joyful moments that go unnoticed sometimes.

Our Book of Awesome

Here are 6 awesome moments that will make you smile

  1. When your friend returns your book and they actually read it - It gives immense happiness when a book you recommended to your friend and they tell you that they loved the book. We get a sense of happiness and began to talk about that book. It's an awesome feeling.

  2. Driving down an old road with trees that touch and form a canopy over everything- You must have seen that amazing view when you are going down an old road and all the tall trees on both sides spread their arms to join each other and form a canopy. That feeling of passing through that natural tunnel and feeling the energy of nature is so awesome.

  3. When you cook something new and everyone likes it- When you try and cook something new, you are worried about how will the people who are going to taste it will react. and to your surprise, everyone loves it. I still remember when I made breakfast for my family, I was a little skeptical about the taste, but in reality my family loved it. That was really Awesome.

  4. Seeing the delivery truck coming and wondering if the cardboard box will land on your porch- Whenever I've ordered something online and know it's coming. I'm excited when I see the delivery man pulling up in the middle of the street and starts taking out parcels. If it's for neighbors, the anticipation keeps on building, and if it's for me..... then it's awesome.

  5. Finishing your last exam and starting summer vacation- I still remember that feeling of joy when you know that today is the final exam and then we have a vacation. We used to do a small party to enjoy the end of exams too. That was really awesome.

  6. Twisting the lid off the jar after nobody else could- Twisting a lid off the jar after nobody else could fills you with pride. You suddenly start feeling like a Hero, like Wonder Woman, beaming with a big smile as you hand back the jar. Awesome feeling

Actionable Advice:

Here are some actions you can start taking from these insights:

  1. Start enjoying your life: We often compromise with our mental peace and happiness while doing our work. it can be office work, or any other problems. Start living your life, start enjoying those small moments that happen everyday with you. for example- sipping coffee with your friends or partner, cracking jokes etc.

  2. Live in the present: Stop regretting about the past and worrying about the future. start living in the present moment, and enjoy it. cherish those moments.

📚 Recommendations

If you like reading biographies/memoirs then you should read these 5 books

⚡️ Reading Tip


If you like fiction then read fiction books, If you like non-fiction then read nonfiction books. It doesn't matter what you read but it matters whether you read or not.

Read whatever you like to read and enjoy this beautiful thing called reading.

As the Naval said, "Read What you love until you love to read."

👨🏻‍🏫 Book I’m reading this week

Still Reading:

  1. I am reading “Focus on What Matters” by Darius Foroux—an amazing book with 70 letters that talk about the timeless stoic lessons for life.

🎉 New Concept To learn

Welcome to my favourite section in our newsletter where I share a new concept every week to learn something new and improve our lives.

This Week’s concept is the THE SPOTLIGHT EFFECT

The Spotlight Effect describes how people tend to believe that others are paying more attention to them than they actually are—in other words, our tendency to always feel like we are “in the spotlight.”

For example, imagine wearing a new outfit to work slightly different from your usual style. You worry all day that other people notice your outfit and judge you. In reality, most people likely didn't pay much attention to what you were wearing, or if they did, they probably thought it looked fine.

But The truth is that other people almost never care about us as much as we think they do.

🎉 New Beginning

I’m active on this new crazy and fun platform, Threads.

Follow me there

Also, a brand new video is out on our other page. i.e. WiseOldWisdom

go and check it out.

🔥 Quote

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Peter Drucker

I hope you find these tips and insights helpful in your reading journey.

If you want to share your feedback, reply to this email. Your Feedback means a lot to me.

Thank you for your love and support everyone. I'll see you next week.

Stay Awesome & happy reading!

Kamalpreet Singh 👋🏻


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