5 Second Rule, How to live an extraordinary life and more


Read Time: 5 Minutes

Welcome to The Sunday Summary, a weekly newsletter where I share a quick book summary with actionable lessons, Book recommendations, Reading tips, New Concepts, and one life-changing Quote to help you build a healthy, wealthy life.

👋🏻 Hey Everyone,

Here are a few popular posts you may have missed

📕 Book Summary

This week's book is "The Not So Ordinary Life" by F.J. Lam

Everyone takes dreams in their life, but most people give up on dreams and goals because of past painful experiences, because they failed on their first try, because they didn't have money, time, etc.

Divided into 13 chapters, The Not so ordinary life will give you the principles and methods to start pursuing your dreams and goals in life. Filled with powerful and actionable pieces of advice, the book will help you take the steps to live your dream life, what the author calls the not-so-ordinary life.

From defining your vision, finding your talents, and taking risks to embrace failures, breaking through, and building perseverance, The book has covered all the essential things that are required to pursue and fulfill your dream.

Moreover, each chapter features real-life stories of ordinary people who are working to achieve their dreams that will inspire you to take action. and the author has also shared his own life story of pursuing his dream.

Overall the Book is a fantastic read and I would definitely recommend everyone to give it a read.

Check out some of the amazing lessons from the book.


Here are 6 valuable lessons from the book

  1. Define your vision - "If we don't plan and envision where we want to be, we will most likely end up where we don't want to be. Remember, Pursuing your dreams isn't a sprint-It's a marathon. To finish that marathon, you need to know for sure where the finish line is located.

  2. Making room for your dreams - If we want to pursue our dreams, then we need to make room for them. You cannot wait for that next season when you will have more time because that season may never come.

  3. Staying sharp- Pursuing your dreams is not merely about your gifts or passion, It is also about the time and effort you put into sharpening your talents. Take advantage of the incredible amount of free or low-cost resources that you can access anywhere at any time take the time to sharpen yourself; It will pay off.

  4. Building perseverance- Pursuing your dreams isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. It requires effort and perseverance for the long haul. Therefore, to get where you want to be, you need to learn to keep picking yourself up from self-doubt and disappointment and keep moving forward.

  5. Taking risks- Taking a risk to pursue your dreams means you're not static. It means you're doing something to get where you want to be. Take risks. No matter if you face failure, step up and keep moving forward.

  6. Embracing failures- There's so much to learn when we try and fail. and it is often the best teacher of what doesn't work. It pushes us to try new ways, and new methods and often ends up launching us on the right path.

Actionable Advice:

Here are 3 Actions you can start taking from these insights:

  1. Take Risks: Only you can change your life. You must choose between two pains, the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Instead of regretting later take the risk and become the person you always wanted.

  2. Learn from failures: Instead of feeling demotivated. learn from your failures. learn what worked and what didn’t. Improve yourself by correcting your mistakes.

  3. Build yourself: Don’t just rely on talent. Do hard work and learn new skills. Gain expertise in your field and become irreplaceable.

📚 Recommendations

Here are five books to become a better decision maker

⚡️ Reading Tip

Finish reading a book per week?

Divide the total number of pages by 7 and the result should be your daily reading goal.

For example- If a book is 250 pages, then 250/7= approx 36 pages

So you should read 36 pages per day to complete that book in a week.

👨🏻‍🏫 Book I’m reading this week

Still Reading:

  1. I am reading “Focus on What Matters” by Darius Foroux—an amazing book with 70 letters that talk about the timeless stoic lessons for life.

🎉 New Concept To learn

Welcome to my favourite section in our newsletter where I share a new concept every week to learn something new and improve our lives.

This Week’s concept is the MEL ROBBINS’ 5 SECOND RULE

This Rule helps you to take action based on your instincts rather than overthinking and delaying your work. Count down from 5 and take action immediately. Overcome procrastination and build momentum by avoiding hesitation.

Just take a deep breath count down from 5 to 0. and then do the task immediately. Doing this will reduce the amount of thoughts that come along when we are deciding something.

You can use this Law to complete your important tasks and achieve your goals.

When to use ‘The 5 Second Rule’:

  • To wake up in the morning

  • When hesitating to reach out to a new client

  • Before undertaking some form of exercise

  • When you think of an innovative idea

  • Before attending a social event

  • Before negotiating with someone

  • When you’re about to indulge in a bad habit

The benefits of using ‘The 5 Second Rule’:

  • Prevents overthinking and self-doubt

  • Gives you a greater sense of emotional control

  • Encourages you to trust your instincts

  • Increases your confidence and courage

  • Changes the way you perceive failure

  • Prevents you from holding yourself back from opportunities

  • You feel more empowered for taking actions that align with your goals

🔥 Quote

Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, and the lessons afterward.

Vernon Sanders Law

I hope you find these tips and insights helpful in your reading journey.

If you want to share your feedback, reply to this email. Your Feedback means a lot to me.

Thank you for your love and support everyone. I'll see you next week.

Stay Awesome & happy reading!

Kamalpreet Singh 👋🏻


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