The Pareto Principle, Hack to improve reading and more


Read Time: 7 Minutes

Welcome to the 50th issue of The Sunday Summary, a weekly newsletter where I share a quick book summary with actionable lessons, Book recommendations, Reading tips, and one life-changing Quote to help you build a healthy, wealthy life.

👋🏻 Hey Everyone,

Here are a few popular posts you may have missed

📕 Book Summary

This week's book is “Attitude is Everything” by Jeff Keller

Attitude is everything is short but really an insightful book with powerful & actionable lessons. In the initial pages, the author explains how he changed his life from a tired, unhappy & negative person working as a lawyer to a happy, positive, and successful motivational speaker by altering his attitude.
The book is filled with motivational quotes and great examples from history. The book is divided into three parts: Think, Speak, and Action.
PART 1 explains that success begins in the mind. In this part, the author explains the power of thoughts and shows how thoughts shape our identity.
PART 2 explains the power of words that we use in our daily lives. We often use words like "I can't", "I am not good" etc. and those negative words lead us away from our goals. The authors explain how by using more positive words & complaining less we can train our minds to become positive and achieve success.
PART 3 explains the power of Actions. Nothing can be achieved without action. By associating with Positive people, confronting your fears, and Trying consistently one can definitely achieve success.
Overall this book is really good and worth reading.
I would definitely recommend you to check it out and read this book.

Attitude is Everything

Here are 7 valuable lessons from the book

  1. The Power of Perspective: Your attitude is like a lens through which you view the world. By choosing a positive attitude, you can transform challenges into opportunities.

  2. Take Control of Your Thoughts: Recognize negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. Your thoughts shape your attitude, and ultimately, your life.

  3. Embrace Responsibility: Take ownership of your life and choices. Your attitude is a product of your decisions, so choose to respond positively to every situation.

  4. Turn Problems into Possibilities: Instead of dwelling on problems, focus on finding solutions. A proactive attitude helps you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

  5. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Surrounding yourself with positive influences and supportive people can uplift your attitude and inspire personal growth.

  6. Practice Gratitude: Cultivating gratitude shifts your focus from what's lacking to what you have. This mindset enhances your attitude and attracts more positivity.

  7. Consistency Matters: Developing a positive attitude requires consistent effort. Just like any skill, practice, and repetition lead to lasting change.

Actionable Advice

Here are 3 Actions you can start taking from these insights:

  1. Boost Your Mornings: Make your mornings a powerhouse of positivity. Repeat powerful statements that uplift you, set clear intentions for the day, and visualize your success. Use positive affirmations and self-talk to start your day. Start strong to stay strong.

  2. Own Your Attitude: You become what you think. Be the boss of your thoughts. Catch negative thinking, and flip it with confidence. Remember you are the creator of your life, Take bold actions and work towards your goals. Believe in yourself, and watch how your attitude transforms challenges into stepping stones.

  3. Daily Gratitude Sparks: Light up your life with gratitude. Each day, jot down three things you're thankful for. This simple act will fill your attitude with brightness, drawing more good your way.

📚 Recommendations

Here are Five books to become a better decision-maker

⚡️ Reading Tip

Want to read effectively but don’t know how


Use a Pointer (Expand Your Peripheral Vision):

Using a pointer, such as your finger or a pen, is a technique that can help you maintain focus and increase your reading speed. It also ties into expanding your peripheral vision, which means capturing more words in your field of view. Here's how it works:

  • Guiding Your Eyes: As you move your pointer along the lines, your eyes naturally follow its movement. This prevents your eyes from wandering off track and helps maintain a steady reading pace.

  • Reducing Regression: Regression is the habit of going back to re-read previous lines. Using a pointer can reduce regression since your eyes are guided forward by the pointer's movement.

  • Peripheral Vision: As you use a pointer, your peripheral vision widens. This means you can capture more words in a single glance, allowing you to read faster and process more content at once.

👨🏻‍🏫 Book I’m reading this week

Still Reading:

  1. I’m reading Attention Span by Gloria Mark. This book shows the study around the decreasing attention span of humans and how we can restore it to make the most of our time and energy.

These days I am so busy with my other projects that I feel less motivated to read books. Sometimes it happens.

🎉 New Concept To learn

I have just started this new section in our newsletter where I’ll share a new concept every week to learn something new and make our lives better.

This Week’s concept is The Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, is a concept that suggests that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

In other words, a small portion of inputs or efforts often leads to a large percentage of results. This principle is named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who observed that approximately 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population.

Here's a suitable example to illustrate the Pareto Principle: Consider a business where 80% of the revenue comes from just 20% of the customers. This means that a minority of customers contribute the majority of the income. Conversely, the remaining 80% of customers only generate 20% of the revenue. This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, such as time management, productivity, and resource allocation.

The Pareto Principle

Students can use this principle to find the activities that are most important and yield more results. In the context of studying, this could mean focusing on the subjects or topics that hold the most weight in terms of grades or understanding. If you have multiple subjects to study, allocate more time to the ones that have a greater impact on your overall performance.

🎉 New Beginning

I’m active on this new crazy and fun platform, Threads.

Follow me there

🔥 Quote

 Keep your face always towards the sunshine — and the shadows will fall behind you.

Walt Whitman

I hope you find these tips and insights helpful in your reading journey.

If you want to share your feedback, Just reply to this email. Your Feedback means a lot to me.

Thank you for your love and support everyone. I'll see you next week.

Stay Awesome & happy reading!

Kamalpreet Singh


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